Since its inception in 2015, Geometrics has successfully worked on multiple projects at fourteen airports in the states of Washington, Texas, Michigan, California, Arizona, Oregon and Idaho.

Runway 17C-35C Rehabilitation, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW), Dallas, TX - 2016-18
Geometrics is providing project management services leading a team of consultants, DFW departments, stakeholders, and FAA to deliver this critical time sensitive project. Runway 17C-35C is DFW’s primary runway and carries 40% of all arrivals. Primary purpose of the project is to rehabilitate this critical infrastructure while preserving well performing assets in the shortest period possible. Through a 72-day 17C threshold relocation and a 104-day complete runway closure, the project would replace runway PCC keel section and miscellaneous panels, overlay the entire runway and connector taxiways with HMA, reconstruct full-depth shoulders and blast pad, build new Taxiway N1 high-speed exit, upgrade FAA’s Runway Status Lights (RWSL), and provide complete electrical system rehabilitation and NAVAIDs upgrades.
Runway 4-22 Reconstruction at El Paso International Airport (ELP), El Paso, TX
Geometrics is providing Construction Management services at El Paso International Airport for this project. The project was undertaken to improve the pavement condition and repair the gradient issues on ELP’s primary Runway 4-22. The project consists of reconstruction of approximately 11,000 linear feet of the runway pavement including shoulders, portions of Taxiways N, Q and R, and all connecting Taxiways. The project also includes replacement of runway centerline and edge lights, signs, and various electronic equipment and appurtenances. The project is divided over two construction seasons as Runway 4-22 is the longest Runway of the airport predominantly used for the commercial and occasional military activities and needs to be operational during the peak temperatures of summer.
Runway 12-30 RSA Improvement and Pavement Rehabilitation – South Field at Oakland International Airport (OAK), Oakland, CA – (2016-17)
Runway 12-30 RSA Improvement and Pavement Rehabilitation – South Field at Oakland International Airport (OAK), Oakland, CA – (2016-17)
Geometrics provided geotechnical engineering, pavement design and construction management services for the project. The project rehabilitated existing asphalt Runway 12-30, Taxiway U’ and Taxiway W. Taxiway W was converted to a temporary runway during paving operations which were completed in two weeks placing approximately 85,000 tons of P-401 surface course. The unique conditions encountered at this airport included shallow groundwater and soft clays. A number of innovative techniques were successfully implemented to mitigate these conditions. These techniques were pier reviewed and published in the Special issue of Soils and Foundation Journal, 2015, and presented in the “Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials” conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Geometrics provided geotechnical engineering, pavement design and construction management services for the project. The project rehabilitated existing asphalt Runway 12-30, Taxiway U’ and Taxiway W. Taxiway W was converted to a temporary runway during paving operations which were completed in two weeks placing approximately 85,000 tons of P-401 surface course. The unique conditions encountered at this airport included shallow groundwater and soft clays. A number of innovative techniques were successfully implemented to mitigate these conditions. These techniques were pier reviewed and published in the Special issue of Soils and Foundation Journal, 2015, and presented in the “Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials” conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Rehabilitation of Runway 13R-31L at Palm Springs International Airport (PSP), Palm Springs, CA – (2015)
Rehabilitation of Runway 13R-31L at Palm Springs International Airport (PSP), Palm Springs, CA – (2015)
Geometrics provided construction management services for this project where existing asphalt concrete pavement of Runway 13R-31L was milled and resurfaced for approximately 260,000 square yards (55,000 tons). To facilitate the Project, Taxiway C was converted into a temporary runway (RW 13R-31L). The project included temporary reconfiguration of the pavement markings, airfield signing, airfield lighting, NAVAIDS and flight procedures. The rehabilitation including all grading, drainage, electrical, pavement marking work was completed in 55 calendar days.
Geometrics provided construction management services for this project where existing asphalt concrete pavement of Runway 13R-31L was milled and resurfaced for approximately 260,000 square yards (55,000 tons). To facilitate the Project, Taxiway C was converted into a temporary runway (RW 13R-31L). The project included temporary reconfiguration of the pavement markings, airfield signing, airfield lighting, NAVAIDS and flight procedures. The rehabilitation including all grading, drainage, electrical, pavement marking work was completed in 55 calendar days.
Recent Projects at King County International Airport
Geometrics personnel have a long history of working at this airport. Some of the recent projects that Geometircs has delivered within the last three years at this Airport include:
Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) Building: Geometrics worked as Project Geotechnical Engineer for this project performing the subsurface exploration, subsurface utility engineering and designing the foundation system.
South End Security Infrastructure: Geometrics is working as the project geotechnical engineer for this project using standard WSDOT foundations for the pole structures thereby reducing the cost of construction and issues related to material procurement.
Airfield Electrical Upgrades – Homerun Infrastructure and Re-Cabling: Geometrics is working as a construction manager for this project where the old inefficient circuitry for the runways and taxiways is being replaced by placing new conduits and recabling of some of the existing conduits.
Preparation of Landside and Airside Pavement Specifications: Geometrics performed the pavement design prepared the specifications for the On-Call Pavement Maintenace contract.
Storm Drain Rehabilitation Across Taxiway B at Taxiway B5: Geometrics conducted geophysical testing to determine the condition of the storm drain pipe crossing Taxiway B at B5 to determine the condition of the pipe and for the presence of sink holes. Geometrics also provided the construction management services for the replacement of the pipe.
Airmark Water Leak: Geometrics is working as the project geotechnical engineers conducting geophysical testing to rehabilitate the northeast tie-down areas damaged during the environmental drilling activities and the water main breakage.
Southwest Ramp Pavement Assessment: Geometrics performed the pavement assessment for the SW apron for the potential parking of NASA’s 747 aircraft.
Airfield Pavement Assessment: Geometrics is performing the pavement assessment for the Runway 14R-32L and Taxiway B pavements in order to determine the pavement condition number as a part of airfield planning project.
Professional Sanitary and Water Inspections: Geometrics worked as the owners representative for the Sanitary and Water connections for the newly developed Signature and Mente Hangars.
Storm Drain Rehab: Parts of the existing storm drain system, most of which was within the RSA, was rehabilitated by increasing the structural capacity of pipes in-situ. This innovative construction was performed using PVC and Geopolymer liner from outside the RSA while keeping the runway and the airport operational.
Taxiway A Rehabilitation and associated work: The purpose of this project was to rehabilitate Taxiway A and incorporate pavement strengthening measures necessary for the projected aircraft fleet mix. The project also included reconstruction of terminal apron, construction of deicing system and a water quality vault and drainage, electrical and pavement marking upgrades. The rehabilitation included reconstruction of concrete pavements with asphalt and concrete pavements, and mill and overlay of existing asphalt pavements.